

Dr.Beena is experienced in assessing, topically treating, and skin grafting all epidermal and dermal acute injuries including burns, frostbite, and related skin conditions (ie .Toxic epidermal necrolysis: TEN). Ours is a multi-disciplinary approach to burn care and rehabilitation in conjunction with wound care services, burn nurses, occupational therapy, physical therapy, nutritionists and trauma. In addition, our physicians have experience in delayed burn care including: contracture release, scar improvement and staged reconstruction of specialized areas i.e., nose, mouth, ears, hands, etc. in those that were burned in the past.

Acute Conditions treated:

1.Burns (thermal, chemical, electrical and radiation)
3.Skin conditions (ie Epidermolysis bullosa, Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis (TEN))
4.Assistance with burn assessment and triage to accredited regional Burn Centers

Delayed Reconstructions performed after burn::

1.Contracture release (z-plasty release, excision and skin grafting, or Laser release)
2.Cosmetic scar improvement (Laser treatment, abrasion, or steroid injections)
3.Reconstruction of specialized areas burned in the past (nose, mouth, ears, hands, genitalia)